We're here to help

Whether you're looking to buy or sell, you can rest assured knowing that our team will provide a service that is second to none. Our combined skill-sets are what sets our team apart from the competition. Pop in for a chat, we're your truly local agency.

26 Birkdale Road, Birkdale,  Auckland 0626


*Includes solds from previous agencies

                                  solds pic 1

trayne solds 2
trayne solds 3
trayne solds 4
trayne solds 5

trayne solds 6


This Information Is made available to customers for general Information purposes only. Neither AndCo Realty 14 Ltd limited (Licensed REAA 2008) trading as Trayne & Co; their salespeople; representatives nor the vendor(s) warrant the accuracy, completeness or currency of the Information In this document; nor do they accept liability for any errors or omlsslons contained herein. All customers should satisfy themselves In all respects and obtain and rely on their own specialist or legal advice.